Advacam 光子计数、像素化X射线探测器

Review of Scientific Instruments-多种检测模式的 Johann 型实验室X射线吸收谱仪

2022-06-17 11:39:18 Karida
  • 相关产品:Advacam

该文介绍了一款低成本的实验室型 X 射线吸收光仪,激发端使用了传统的 X 射线管,配合bent Johann 型晶体单色器。该仪器专为 4-20 keV 范围内的 X 射线吸收光谱研究而设计,涵盖 3 d 过渡金属的大部分 K 边和5 d 过渡金属和锕系元素 的 L 边。在 10 keV 时能量分辨率通常在 1-5 eV 的范围内,具体取决于晶体分析器和布拉格角。可以在透射、荧光和成像模式下进行测量。由于其简单的模块化设计,光谱仪可以修改所需的额外设备和复杂的样品环境以满足原位研究的需求。同时该文还介绍了其余各种应用。

Johann-type laboratory-scale x-ray absorption spectrometer with versatile detection modes

We present a low-cost laboratory X-ray absorption spectrometer that uses a conventional X-ray tube source and bent Johann-type crystal monochromators. The instrument is designed for X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies in the 4–20 keV range which covers most K edges of 3d transition metals and L edges of 5d transition metals and actinides. The energy resolution is typically in the range of 1–5 eV at 10 keV depending on the crystal analyser and the Bragg angle. Measurements can be performed in transmission, fluorescence, and imaging modes. Due to its simple and modular design, the spectrometer can be modified to accommodate additional equipment and complex sample environments required for in situ studies. A showcase of various applications is presented.


Honkanen, Ari-Pekka, et al. "Johann-type laboratory-scale x-ray absorption spectrometer with versatile detection modes." Review of Scientific Instruments 90.3 (2019): 033107.

